Due to inclement weather, Lubbock-Cooper ISD has CANCELED school tomorrow, Thursday, February 3. Stay safe and warm, Pirates!

🚨 Scheduling Update 🚨
All Lubbock-Cooper ISD athletic events scheduled for this evening (Wednesday, February 2) have been canceled.

Congratulations to LBMS FBLA members who competed at the Texas Area 1 Conference! This was the group's first year to compete, and many competitors qualified for State!

Congratulations to our January Pirates of the Month!
6th Grade: Kendon Scott, Jacelyn Seefeld
7th Grade: Colt Petty, Kinsley Wells
8th Grade: Will Hutson, Maisen Daniel

Read this week's LBMS newsletter!

Parents, PLEASE make note that Thursday, February 10 is a holiday for LCISD ELEMENTARY students due to Goals Days meetings.
Thursday, February 10 is a regular school day for all non-elementary LCISD students.
Friday, February 11 is a holiday for ALL LCISD students.

Read this week's LBMS newsletter!

Lubbock-Cooper Fine Arts organizations invite you to the first ever Treasure Hunt Through the Arts THIS SATURDAY (January 22) from 2:00-4:00 p.m. at the LCHS Performing Arts Center, Fine Arts Wing, and Commons Area! Each elementary campus, both middle schools, and LCHS will be showcasing more than 300 pieces of visual art, dance, theatre, vocal performance, and instrumental groups! Join us!

Telephone service at Laura Bush Middle School has been restored. Thank you for your patience!

LBMS has temporarily lost phone service. We are working to resolve this issue as quickly as possible. If you need to reach LBMS, email info@lcisd.net. Thank you for your patience and cooperation. We will let you know when service has been restored.

Monday, January 17 is a Lubbock-Cooper staff and student holiday. All campuses will be closed.

Read this week's LBMS newsletter!

Welcome back, Pirates! Read our latest LBMS newsletter here: https://www.smore.com/jntx1!

Congratulations to our December Pirates of the Month!
Halle McPherson - 6th
Mason Setliff - 6th
Charlotte Haugland - 7th
Cooper Kear - 7th
Briley Lewis - 8th
Alejandro Vallejo - 8th

Special guests from our local VFW Post visited LBMS yesterday to present awards to our Patriot's Pen Essay Contest winners!
Congratulations to the following Pirates:
First Place - Malori Havens
Second Place - Kayleigh Havens
Third Place - Milee Wheeler
Honorable Mention - Navaeh Deatherage
Honorable Mention - Katharine Northcutt

Lubbock-Cooper ISD will be closed for Christmas Break December 20-January 4.
This Friday, December 17 will be an early release day (12:00 p.m. for elementary schools; 12:45 p.m. for secondary schools.)
Staff will return Tuesday, January 4 and students will return Wednesday, January 5.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, Pirates!

Phone service has been restored at all Lubbock-Cooper ISD campuses, the LCISD Administration Building, and operational buildings. You should now be able to contact any LCISD campus by phone.
Thank you for your patience!

Due to a power outage in the area, South Elementary, Lubbock-Cooper Middle School, the LCISD Administration Building and several district operational buildings have temporarily lost phone service. If you need to reach one of these campuses, please email info@lcisd.net, and the district will ensure your message is relayed.
Thank you for your patience and cooperation. We will let you know when phone service has been restored.

Check out our latest LBMS newsletter here:

The LCP Orchestra invites you to their annual Christmas concert at 7:00 p.m. on Monday, December 13 at the LCISD PAC! The evening will feature beautiful music, photos with Santa, and even a special gift for fifth graders interested in joining Orchestra next year!