Monday, March 28 is a student holiday and a staff professional development day!

The LCHS Boys Soccer program offers an enrichment opportunity to middle schoolers following the wrap-up of the middle school track season! The parents of 7th and 8th grade boys who may be interested can attend an informational meeting at 6:00 p.m. on Wednesday, March 30 in the LCHS Commons Area (park and enter on the north side of the LCHS campus). If you have questions, please contact:
Coach Davis - pdavis@lcisd.net
Coach Burkhead - tburkhead@lcisd.net

Read our latest LBMS newsletter at https://www.smore.com/nsxkq!

Congratulations to all four LCISD middle school Honor and Symphonic Bands who received straight ONES at their recent UIL Concert and Sight-Reading contest!

LBMS FBLA members hosted a donation drive for Grace Campus and collected over 130 items! Thanks to our generous LCP families and the FBLA members who coordinated this effort!

LBMS FFA Greenhand officers presented $600 to the South Plains Wildlife Rehabilitation Center after the organization raised the funds during National FFA Week!

Lubbock-Cooper ISD will be closed March 14-18 for Spring Break!

Congratulations to LBMS educator Kyle Gosline, latest LCISD recipient of the Mrs. Baird's Teachers on the Rise award! He was nominated by student Jayton Casarez because he's a stand-out teacher who cares about helping students!

Good morning, LBMS families!
Read this week's newsletter at https://www.smore.com/3qh2a

Join the LBMS Theatre and Choir for a night of family fun as they present Shrek The Musical JR. April 8-9! Purchase tickets at https://www.vancoevents.com/us/events/landing?eid=19832&qr=true

This month's Teacher Spotlight is LBMS educator Jasmine Portillo!
"When students leave my classroom, I want them to leave with a sense of security, and to know that they can always come back to me and confide...they'll always have a safe space here with me in my classroom."

It's time for another LBMS Newsletter!

Have you read our latest LBMS newsletter?

Great food for a great cause! Eat at Panda Express tomorrow to benefit the Lubbock-Cooper Orchestra Program!

Monday, February 21 is a Lubbock-Cooper staff and student holiday. All campuses and offices will be closed.

LBMS NJHS members celebrated their campus counselors with bouquets last week!

Read this week's LBMS newsletter!

The Lubbock-Cooper Education Foundation and First United Bank present Randy Rogers Band with Kevin Fowler and special guest Ross Cooper on Saturday, May 7 at Cook's Garage! Ticket sales will open on February 18, and tables are AVAILABLE NOW for this concert benefiting the students and staff of Lubbock-Cooper ISD!
Don't miss this evening of entertainment in support of Lubbock-Cooper education...secure your table today! For more information or to purchase a table, please email lubbockcooperfoundation@gmail.com.

Sign your 1st-6th grade Lady Pirate up for Hoopsters today! Visit https://lph.website.sportssignup.com/ to register!

Another week, another LBMS newsletter! Check it out here: https://www.smore.com/9w8ra