Read this week's LBMS newsletter! https://www.smore.com/0frn4

Voting is open in the City Bank Community Rewards program! Please vote for the Lubbock-Cooper Education Foundation in the Education & Youth Services category at https://www.city.bank/communityrewards/lubbock to support Pirate education, scholarships for LCISD seniors, and grants for innovative LCISD educators!

LBMS NJHS officers presented campus custodial staff with special notes and gift cards thanking them for their dedication to making sure the school is a beautiful place to learn! We are so grateful for the "behind the scenes" employees who make LCISD such a special district!

Lubbock-Cooper Fine Arts organizations invite you to the first ever Treasure Hunt Through the Arts! Each elementary campus, both middle schools, and LCHS will be showcasing more than 300 pieces of visual art, dance, theatre, vocal performance, and instrumental groups! Join us!

Read this week's LBMS newsletter! https://www.smore.com/kpy8en

Happy Thanksgiving Break, LBMS Pirates! Check out this week's newsletter here: https://www.smore.com/bg6fd

Lubbock-Cooper ISD will be closed November 22-26 for Thanksgiving Break!

Please vote for the Lubbock-Cooper Education Foundation in the City Bank Community Rewards program at https://www.city.bank/communityrewards/lubbock to support Pirate education, scholarships for LCISD seniors, and grants for innovative LCISD educators!

Read our latest LBMS newsletter at https://www.smore.com/fqjbud!

Please vote for the Lubbock-Cooper Education Foundation in the City Bank Community Rewards program at https://www.city.bank/communityrewards/lubbock to support Pirate education, scholarships for LCISD seniors, and grants for innovative LCISD educators!

Congratulations to LBMS teacher Jessica Henson, October 2021 Mrs. Baird's Teachers on the Rise Award recipient! We appreciate Jessica's dedication to making sure her students feel loved and successful, and we are so proud of her!

Middle School UIL results will be available at https://url.lcisd.net/326! Good luck to our competitors!

Read this week's LBMS newsletter! https://www.smore.com/w1sqf

Congratulations to our October Pirates of the Month!
Callie Lucero - 6th
Cole Whitten - 6th
Chloe Rocha - 7th
Cash Goodrich - 7th
Paege Salzwedel - 8th
Jeremy Floyd - 8th

Monday, November 8 is a student holiday for all LCISD campuses. Middle school and elementary students participating in the UIL meet that day will be notified of competition times by their event coaches.

The LBMS Choir gave a great performance at their Fall Concert!

Monday, November 8 is a student holiday for all LCISD campuses.
Middle school and elementary students participating in the UIL meet that day will be notified of competition times by their event coaches.

LBMS students are hard at work in the lab, evaluating the excretory system and determining how the rate of flow in the kidneys impacts an individual's overall health!

LCISD is using a new ticketing system! Bookmark the link (https://www.vancoevents.com/us/eventlist/lubbockcooper) to find tickets for all Pirate home events, including sports, fine arts, and more!
(Football will finish out the season using our former ticketing system.)

Join the Lubbock-Cooper Education Foundation and event sponsor United Supermarkets for Par 4ORE! Pirates on Monday, October 25 at 4ORE! Golf!
Register at: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeU-MjMrOGbNpfk8SxcjCXvlKbLyH8MJhN0Un1Gbo8prAtFZQ/viewform